Training Tip #1: Doing leg curls first in the workout allows him to use maximum weight and pre-exhausts his hamstrings. The goal is to make your thighs bovine – big and meaty. For some people, heavy low-rep squats turn into a A strong libido is a sign of a healthy, fit body. You can also try sets of 1 to 2 minutes. They’re sprinters, as well as marathoners. If you’re after sports-specific adaptations such as a throwing arm for … The proven way to build both size and strength that’s been working since 1960. If your goal is a lean physique and serious striations, take these tips from The King. Supposedly, these guys take steroids. Most popular size-building plans since the 1950s have advocated lower reps for size, including Bill Starr's famous 5 x 5 training based on the "big three" lifts (bench press, squat, power clean), and our own Chad Waterbury's 10 x 3 programs. These muscles have the greatest potential for growth. This however doesn't mean you should go do a 100 reps with a silly low weight. Try 16-20 reps. Using a lower rep approach I usually can’t lift more than 3, 4 days maximum a week. The majority should fall in the 8-12 range, the legs respond well to higher reps, but don’t hesitate to ramp it up to 15 reps if you feel inclined. "The cons of this type of training are that you'll need a longer recovery period for the muscle group in training, your workout is likely to be longer, and you're placing joints under a lot of stress." So let's talk about why higher reps can work for hypertrophy, and then show you a new program from veteran strength coach Jason Ferruggia, author of Fit to Fight, to help you make major gains and turn you into the baddest muff in the gym. Squats. I've been reading over a few articles that I found on some other forums and some of these are stating that quads respond better to a higher rep scheme. This effective program is for them. Generally slow twitch muscles that respond better to slightly higher reps. Squat Sets: 3-5 Reps… How? You keep going past 10 by taking deep breaths between reps. Some people have more slow twitch fibres than fast twitch fibres (so they may respond better to using higher reps more often), but everyone has a mix. Here's how. However, it was a different story for the side of the body that was trained with super-high reps, where muscles grew at half the rate they did in the other three protocols. In recent articles I read that legs should be worked in the 12-15 rep range, as they response best to high reps. Have anybody heard about this? Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Roelly Winklaar is Out of the 2020 Mr. Olympia, It's Never too Late to Lose Weight, New Study Confirms, Pat McAfee is Training to Become top of the WWE Pile, How Sarah Apgar and FitFighter are Changing Fitness, What Other Sports Can Learn From The NBA Bubble, Ms. Olympia Returns: A Tradition Restored, 3 Ways To Livestream 2020 Olympia Weekend, George Peterson - 212 Bodybuilding - 2020 Olympia, Derek Lunsford - 212 Bodybuilding - 2020 Olympia, Breathing Tips From Halle Berry's Trainer, 2019 Olympia Open Bodybuilding Callout Report, The 50 Best Fitness Influencers on Instagram, Ronnie Coleman's 6 Tips for Getting Shredded, How Phil Heath Trains to Build Massive Lats. You know the arguments against doing high-rep training for size, no matter what muscle groups we're talking about. So the real caution concerns your health, particularly your lower-back health. Your glutes won't fire properly if your sacrum is out of alignment. So by the time the biggest motor units come into play, the smallest ones are already deployed. Low Reps with Heavier Weight The traditional method for building muscle mass, for both men and women alike, ‘Not enough sweep,’ people would say about my legs, or ‘not thick enough all around.’ So I decided to make some changes in my quad training. Try this and save a trip to the chiropractor. Low reps and big weight build muscle better than lighter weights and higher reps, so the notion went. How do actors make such dramatic transformations? High-rep training is, however, an excellent means of increasing muscular endurance. It's designed to be done once per week, and covers every base for maximum size and strength. The traditional method for building muscle mass, for both men and women alike, is to lift heavier weights and increase the amount of weight over time. About once every month or so, I'll go high reps on legs, say 14-18 on squats, hacks, presses, etc. Hello all, Lately I have been experimenting with using sets of 10-25 reps for my training. 3) Using momentum and ‘bouncing’ the weight back up from the bottom of a squat. Instead, he suggests using the overhand grip with both hands, and using straps. Hey Heather – I would consider 10-15 reps to be in the higher range. Then you'll never miss a workout. Whether strength or size (or both) are your aim, program your biceps exercises, sets and reps properly to achieve your muscle-building goals before you hit the gym. You may end up doing something like 9 reps, take 5 deep breaths, 4 more reps, take 2-3 deep breaths, and then complete your final 2 reps. This workout combines cardio and weight-lifting drills for serious body-sculpting results. "There's definitely an increased risk for injury, so a high-rep program isn't for beginners. So if you make the connection, high reps are better … Can you? Some people simply do better with higher or lower reps. As a general rule of thumb: Aim to get 60-70% of your work sets in the rep range that you personally find works best for you, and get 15-20% of your sets with heavier weights/lower reps and about 15-20% of your work with lighter weights/higher reps. Maybe with faster and higher repetitions or slower and lower repetitions. On the intense end of the spectrum, powerlifters and many competitive bodybuilders pair very low reps (1 to 5) with extremely heavy weights (90-95% of their one-rep max).Why does this work? Lifting heavier weight (approximately 70-75% of your one-rep max) activates Type 2 or “fast tw… As a result, it’s often better to use lower reps: 4–10 reps per set. I don’t do Dands स ध रण दण ड aka Hindu pushups for strength and conditioning, but for health, movement quality, mobility, rehab/rehab. This may occur due to the great capacity for endurance the legs possess, and therefore they may benefit from a higher workload compared with the upper Even if you stick with squats, there's no rule that says you have to use back squats. Training Tip #2: Abiad performs fewer reps on hack squats, since he’s near the end of his workout and his legs are exhausted from the high-rep leg curls, squats and leg presses. High reps aren’t necessarily better, they’re just another option on your training menu. 5 Ramp Up The Reps. I have a question about higher reps. *Increase weight each set, starting out with 20 reps with the lightest weight and finishing with 10 reps with the heaviest weight. All rights reserved. However, lifting in higher rep ranges is a nightmare straight out of Bloodborne, especially when doing the bigger compound lifts. I think you can be trusted to handle the whole air-in-the-lungs thing without some muscle nanny detailing the finer points. But as long as there's some apparent benefit, who really cares about the cause? Dorian Yates states if you're going to use high reps for anything, to so for legs. To achieve that size, you need a lot more calories than usual. Quads can be trained for higher reps. As high as 20-30 reps can be effective. With this wicked-ass peddling workout. Do you feel legs respond better to higher reps? for example: Squat heavy for 4-8 Leg Press moderately for 8-12 rep sets Never heard of it? So the good news is that if you’re forced to use light weights or bodyweight training to build muscle, you can delve into those higher rep ranges. Even if you have to rest twice that is fine. What impact does drinking have on your physique and performance goals? There are definitely certain exercises that lend themselves more to heavy-weight, high-rep training. When we’re bulking up our necks , though, our neck flexors and extensors are rather small. I do a low rep workout legs included. Furthermore, although there is much empirical evidence that calves respond better to higher reps than other bodyparts do, your calves adapt to rep quantities, whether high or low. That said, some of the giants of the iron game have used high-rep leg training safely and effectively for many years, and if you have the nads for it, I highly recommend giving it a shot. In which case, probably quads, calves, biceps, delts, abs, back will probably like higher reps the most. It's incompatible with performance-related training. For example, back extensions and hip thrusts work best with lighter weights and higher reps. How should you be training your arms? Most bodybuilders suggest that the legs respond better to higher reps (but still heavy) in the 12-15 range. You have to know what your back feels like when your lumbar spine is in a safe, neutral position, and no matter how tired you get, you have to be cognizant of any changes to that position. Get leaner, end back pain, recover faster from monster workouts, and even get a little smarter. If you are into Olympic distance triathlons or are a distance runner (1/2 marathon and up), do your high reps. You should be able to pass these tests before you hit the bench, squat, do direct arm work, or add more ab exercises. Check it out. 18 comments. Most people can But anyways just do controlled Training Tip #2: Abiad performs fewer reps on hack squats, since he’s near the end of his workout and his legs are exhausted from the high-rep leg curls, squats and leg presses. We can do higher reps without being limited by our fitness, it doesn’t tend to hurt that much, and it might be safer. Here's a better way build your yoke. And it delivers, every time. hide. By only doing 8-12 or 6-8 you'll surely only be developing part of the muscle Jim Wendler's 5/3/1/ program promises slow and steady gains that will eventually turn you into the strongest guy in the gym. And hams, glutes, tris, pecs, traps are more "power". What's better for getting bigger muscles? I have to think that part of this may be biomechanical especially in terms of squats. It's a mind game, you against your instinct for self-preservation. What are the three biggest mistakes you’ve made in building a bigger set of legs? it's their specific fiber make up that makes legs respond better to higher reps. The most important thing to do is consistently add weight to the bar while completing your 15 reps. Is this true? 6 Rest Remix. The size principle says that motor units always fire in a predetermined order, from the smallest to the biggest. Most research points to reps under 15 reps as being better for muscle building, but other research shows muscle building can be equally effective with light weight and high reps. For example, a recent study of resistance-trained young men found that light weight with high reps, performed until failure, was equally effective in stimulating muscle proteins as a heavy weight with low reps. 4 nothing builds my legs up more than doing 20 reps in a set on squats, regardless of whether they are widowmakers or not. 5/3/1 is also good for this (even more-so if you are doing front squats): week one has The calves mainly consist of the white type-2 muscle fibers which has been proved to respond better with fast higher rep workouts. DC training works. Which is especially true during compound exercises like squats and deadlifts. Follow these fit women we're crushing on for inspiration, workout ideas, and motivation. before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Have pain down your leg? To build up your endurance, aim for high reps with light to moderate weights and short rest periods. FOUAD ABIAD: “The most important change in my career came in 2010, when I decided that lifting really heavy for legs was mostly for my ego. How do they eat and train? Tip: Dump this Type of Coffee in the Trash, How to Design a Damn Good Program - Part 1, 4 Tests Every Lifter Should Be Able to Pass, Alcohol Effects on Physique and Performance, Tip: An Important Bulletin for TRT Patients, The Best Damn Workout Plan For Natural Lifters. Do that for 4 sets of ten reps, take 6 seconds to lower the weight, make sure to reach the stretch, and hold it for at least two seconds. To get them responding, the reps have to be high – above the 12-rep range. The idea behind using heavy weights with low reps is simple enough: If you target the high-threshold motor units, you don't just hit the type II muscle fibers, which have the most potential to grow. But again, you can build great glutes with squats, lunges, deadlifts and glute ham raises, all of which should be done for low reps. Hamstrings. Train for what you want. If you're considering an in-between exercise like barbell hack squats, you should probably treat them more like deadlifts than squats. I have a question about higher reps. Here's how to fix that. Barbell back squats are actually not the king of leg exercises. Then I got to thinking. The end. Repeated Blows My informal research suggests that 10 out of 10 lifters who try high-rep leg training want to quit before the end of the first workout. That's why whe don't walk on our hands. You can also try sets of 1 to 2 minutes. Therefore, low rep training for the glutes would consist of The smart lifter’s guide to writing the best training program for his needs and goals. But that's why this program is for experienced lifters only. Here’s how to do it. Instead of lifting heavy for sets of 6–8 reps like I did for the first 10 years of my career, I decided 15–20 reps was the way to go. Your traps are puny, and it's probably because you train them directly with shrugs. You’ll get the a myriad of different responses with question like this. Here's how you build bigger legs:
Member List Forum Main Forums IntenseMuscle Main Discussion Forum If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Quads respond well to both low and high reps. DC training has it right: one straight set, 4-8 reps, and then a widowmaker (20 rep-set) afterwards. "You can go heavy and target the fast-twitch fibers one day and go lighter to hit the slow-twitch fibers another day, or combine them both into one workout. I've been reading over a few articles that I found on some other forums and some of these are stating that quads respond better to a higher rep scheme. 2) Quarter reps for the sake of stroking your ego. That's a lot of time to spend with your wrists in the rack position.). Even the old-school breathing squats employed a 10RM weight, which is usually about 75% of 1RM – enough to build size, if not necessarily strength in advanced lifters. Here's why and what to do instead. Legs can respond better to higher reps, since our lower body muscles have evolved for ultra-endurance (i.e. The second group made slightly better gains in size over the next four weeks (which, frankly, were unimpressive across the board – not surprising, considering there was no nutritional intervention in the study), but the big surprise is that they made bigger increases in strength. It hurts. This however doesn't mean you should go do a 100 reps with a silly low weight. When it comes to increasing muscle endurance, are low reps or high reps better? You know the arguments against doing high-rep training for size, no matter what muscle groups we're talking about. Try 16-20 reps. They’ll pound their calves with heavy weight and low reps, such as with heavy calf raises, but I believe that the slow-twitch muscle fibers are not very responsive to this type of overload. The goal of this program is to always get 15 reps NO MATTER WHAT! I have started cycling through mini cycles lately. The Japanese researchers had a group of 16 male lifters do conventional hypertrophy training for six weeks, then divided them into two groups. Some exercises are better suited for heavy weights and low reps than others. The answers here. With apologies to CrossFit, the Marines, and even NASA, there are some exercises that are just plain dumb. (That would translate to three to five reps per set.) 1) Chasing one-rep maxes. On leg presses, I go as heavy as I can for 20 reps, and on hack squats, I go as heavy as I can for 10–12. Got some dumbbells? I heard that legs respond best to high rep ranges, is that true? Bodybuilding is full of programs used by "enhanced" lifters, but most people don't take drugs and can't get good results. But a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research makes a compelling argument for a mix-and-match approach. Rather than reducing your working weight, strive to do more reps—up to 15—on your heaviest sets. These muscles have less potential for growth. And hams, glutes, tris, pecs, traps are more "power". In which case, probably quads, calves, biceps, delts, abs, back will probably like higher reps the most. Legs by nature can handle and benefit from more work/higher volume than other muscle groups. Low reps vs high reps for arms, which is better? Here are the most effective exercises in the history of forever. If you aren't sure what is going to work best for you, maybe try bumping it up... or do what a lot of people do and just cover Today I dropped down in weight a tad and did 15 instead of 5 and boy what a burn. Do High-Reps Increase Chest Size?. You'll need a brass-filled nutsack to do the program, and a lot of food and supplements to get the most out of it – none of which are deal breakers for most of you. It's the only "rest" you get in the middle of the set, so you need to make the most of it. Copyright 2020 JW Media, LLC, parent company of Muscle & Fitness. But when it comes to leg day, Calum says that going with slightly higher reps works best: "I find [legs] respond best to higher reps because it takes a while for the blood to get pumped down there and fill up the muscle," he says. Your legs, especially quads, have more slow-twitch muscle fibers which typically respond better to higher reps. But after 4 weeks I find I need a week off. There's no functional benefit here. Incorporating This Into Your Routine. You don't need machines or crazy bars to strengthen your squat. The precautions aren't quite as obvious, but I think most T Nation readers know what they're getting into when they try something extreme. It's hard. The calves mainly consist of the white type-2 muscle fibers which has been proved to respond better with fast higher rep workouts. Don't let sensible thoughts intrude. Here they are. Longtime T Nation contributor Mike Mahler, who's researched high-rep lifting routines (and wrote the article about high-rep squats I linked to earlier), thinks they can work, with some precautions. Slow twitch fibers are more for endurance and respond better to higher reps, slightly more volume, less rest between sets and a bit more frequency. There's a reason they used to call this the "squats and milk" program. share. One fairly standard response is that is is combination of factors. I don’t do any sets for my legs under 10 reps anymore; I just don’t get the size from it.”. Simply said our muscles consist of mainly 2 types of muscle fibers, we call them red (type-1) and white (type-2) muscle fibers. How to easily wipe out the possible negative side effects of testosterone replacement therapy with one simple adjustment. So that’s why my personal high rep range goes up to 20. Two to three minutes between sets should be plenty of time to recover. While some individuals may respond a little better to higher reps or higher loads, on average a broad range of reps and loads can be effective as long as you train intensely enough. Check it out. If you don't think you can do another rep safely, you have to back off. That article focused on breathing squats, in which you'd do a 20-rep set of squats using a weight you could lift just 10 times. I've read a lot of success stories on various forums and from various body builders of high rep leg work (12-15 reps). The Reality: The key to muscle growth and increases in strength is to provide more load onto the muscle than it is used to, so it can respond by growing larger and getting stronger. Probably won’t need to focus a whole lot on legs since they’ll be getting plenty of high rep days, but 1–2 days a week on them is good. save. Front squats would make it more challenging, and maybe offer more of a core-strengthening benefit. It will hurt, yes, but you can absolutely build muscle that way. You need to decide what reasons resonate with you and trust yourself. I have to think that part of this may be biomechanical especially in terms of squats. We ask the experts. (I'd suggest holding the bar with the crossed-arm bodybuilder grip, rather than using the Olympic clean grip. They would be right. Empirically, many do seem to think that legs (or at least quads) respond better to higher reps. The squat, for good reason, is the classic choice for using high reps to build huge muscles. Here’s what it is and how to do it. Solutions. Here’s what you can expect from training your legs with higher reps: Extreme pumps in your quads and hams Faster gains in overall leg size and mass High reps will … Here's the nuanced, smart answer. Barbell Curl Sets: 3-5 Reps: 15 or more Hypertrophy phase 1. CrossFit with guns, a supplement ingredient quiz (with prizes), and the delicious food that keeps you full for hours. But, just as you do with reps, mix it up. It’s a technique even elite powerlifters (who normally train with VERY low reps) use to increase muscle mass. Many report better progress using higher reps for lower body exercises. The time under tension applied during a set of high rep squats can quickly pack on lower body muscle, he adds. On lower body exercises heavy weight and more reps properly if your goal is a sign a. And pre-exhausts his hamstrings a mind game, you 'll realize what a burn set! Of how to easily wipe out the possible negative side effects of testosterone replacement therapy with one simple.... You 've seen them in the history of forever program is obvious enough Gain... From monster workouts, and even get a little smarter for using high reps with the lightest and... Pounds of abdominal fat without changing your diet actually recommend that you n't! Do the opposite safely, you do the opposite like this ll get a... 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