Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey. RECOMMENDATIONS • Pre-Health Advisor Training • Physician-Student Interactions However, among the youngest cohort of active physicians (34 years of age and younger), women outnumbered men in most racial and ethnic groups (Figures 22-25).” ... AAMC Facts and Figures Data Series Includes reports from 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, and 2006. 688 14.3 96 2 10 0.2 128 2.7 17 0.4 1955 40.6 1916 39.799999999999997 4810. From the AAMC's Diversity in the Physician Workforce: Facts & Figures 2014. AAMC’s Diversity in Medical Education: Facts and Figures 2012 finds that nearly half of the applicants to U.S. medical schools in 2011 were non-White. Overall, numbers of racial and ethnic minorities among medical school applicants, matriculants, graduates, as well as full-time faculty, have remained relatively stable since the 2012 Facts & Figures report. The prohibitive costs associated with medical school, especially for students from underrepresented backgrounds, limit physician work-force diversity within specialty and geographic locations (Greysen, 2011). A report from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) documents an overall trend toward increased diversity among students applying to medical school. The Diversity in Medical Education report provides data on the race, ethnicity, and gender for the United States for the 2014–2015 academic year. The Association of American Medical College has released their 2016 Diversity in Medical Education report. (AAMC Diversity Facts and Figures). In addition, only about 11% of medical students are Black/African American or Hispanic, according to "Diversity in Medical Education: Facts & Figures 2016," a report by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). AAMC FACTS & FIGURES 2016. 4567 14.2 786 5513 11.3 2028 4.2 185 0.4 1993 4.0999999999999996 127 0.3 25920 53.2 12996 26.7 48762. Source: AAMC Data Warehouse: Minority Physician Database, AMA Masterfile, and other AAMC data sources, as of Jan. 22, 2014. ... One resource that has supported institutions in this effort is the AAMC’s Diversity 3.0 Framework. This section offers an overview of the current race and ethnicity demographic trends in medical education. According to the AAMC’s Diversity in Medicine: Facts and Figures document from 2019, “most active physicians were White (56.2%) and male (64.1%) (Figures 18 and 19). Bureau of Labor Statistics. Anne Arundel Medical Center the health of the people we serve Vision: Living healthier together. The Facts & Figures Report is part of a series, the second of which has been released in longform digital format.
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