Expiration Date. Condition. Oct 18, 2019 - Da Kine Hawaiian Original Kona coffee dry rub is a gourmet all-purpose seasoning. Gluten Free Low Sodium No MSG! Caffeine Free, Dairy Free, Dye Free, Egg Free, Fat Free, Gelatine Free, Gluten Free, No MSG. Skip to main content.ca Hello, Sign in. ]*)$/;if("string"==typeof t&&t.length){var a=["/","\\","? Da Kine Seasoning. 69 Likes, 5 Comments - Da Kine Hawaiian Sauces & Rubs (@dkhawaiian) on Instagram: “My son is making stuffed burgers. Manufacturer : Da kine Ent., LLC. FROZEN AND CHILLED PRODUCTS MUST BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY FROM DRY PRODUCTS DUE TO DIFFERENT SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS. Honey Bear Trio. 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Excellent for BBQ, Saute' & Baking all Meats, Seafood and Vegetables. Made with gourmet ingredients and a touch of Kona Coffee. We make gourmet BBQ Sauce, Tropical Syrup, Gluten Free Dry Rub, Salad Dressing, Macnut Oils, & Kona Coffee. I remembered them so fondly and missed them so much; I've never been satisfied with any Hawaiian food from any other place. (s++,c=m,Object(f.setStyle)(t[m],{width:p+"px",height:h+"px",position:"relative","box-sizing":"border-box",overflow:"visible",visibility:"inherit"}),Object(f.setStyle)(t[m+"label"],{"line-height":l}),Object(f.setAttributes)(t[m],{"aria-hidden":!1})):(Object(f.setStyle)(t[m],{height:"0px",overflow:"hidden",position:"absolute",visibility:"hidden"}),Object(f.setAttributes)(t[m],{"aria-hidden":!0}),Object(f.setAttributes)(t[u],{tabIndex:-1}))}1===s&&(Object(f.setData)(t[e+"moreContainer"],{listposition:"lonely"}),Object(f.setData)(t[c],{listposition:"lonely"}))}(e,i,t,s)};function w(e,t){for(var i=0;i=e.length? This item: Da Kine Hawaiian Da Rub Seasoning Spice (Original 3-Pack) $20.44 ($1.70 / 1 Ounce) Only 4 left in stock - order soon. Da Kine Hawaiian Da Rub Smokey $ 8.99. 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Amazon com : pappy s choice seasonings original perfect for bbq and smoked brisket steak beef chicken fajita hogs rib seafood bagel popcorn jerk pizza more gourmet rubs grocery food spice seasoning 28 oz professional package mccormick® pinch® lemon pepper mccormick all purpose garlic onion black sea salt ‑ shop mixes at h‑e‑b poultry southern blend 22 badia spices Da 7 best snacks at 7-Eleven Hawaii right now. 14. $6.99 Quantity. Da Kine Hawaiian Da Rub Seasoning Spice (Gift Pack) Brand : da kine hawaiian. $7.00 +$13.20 shipping. 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Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. This rub has a uniquely island flavor. Amazon com : pappy s choice seasonings original perfect for bbq and smoked brisket steak beef chicken fajita hogs rib seafood bagel popcorn jerk pizza more gourmet rubs grocery food spice seasoning 28 oz professional package mccormick® pinch® lemon pepper mccormick all purpose garlic onion black sea salt ‑ shop mixes at h‑e‑b poultry southern blend 22 badia spices )$/);return(u?u[1]:e).replace(i,"")},e.exports.getAlignedRect=function(e,t,i){var r,a;switch(i){case n.alignTypes.CENTER:r=Math.max(0,(e.width-t.width)/2),a=Math.max(0,(e.height-t.height)/2);break;case n.alignTypes.TOP:r=Math.max(0,(e.width-t.width)/2),a=0;break;case n.alignTypes.TOP_LEFT:r=0,a=0;break;case n.alignTypes.TOP_RIGHT:r=Math.max(0,e.width-t.width),a=0;break;case n.alignTypes.BOTTOM:r=Math.max(0,(e.width-t.width)/2),a=Math.max(0,e.height-t.height);break;case n.alignTypes.BOTTOM_LEFT:r=0,a=Math.max(0,e.height-t.height);break;case n.alignTypes.BOTTOM_RIGHT:r=Math.max(0,e.width-t.width),a=Math.max(0,e.height-t.height);break;case n.alignTypes.LEFT:r=0,a=Math.max(0,(e.height-t.height)/2);break;case n.alignTypes.RIGHT:r=Math.max(0,e.width-t.width),a=Math.max(0,(e.height-t.height)/2)}return{x:e.x?e.x+r:r,y:e.y?e.y+a:a,width:Math.min(e.width,t.width),height:Math.min(e.height,t.height)}},e.exports.getOverlappingRect=function(e,t){var i=Math.max(0,Math.min(e.width,t.x+t.width)-Math.max(0,t.x)),r=Math.max(0,Math.min(e.height,t.y+t.height)-Math.max(0,t.y));return i&&r&&(e.width!==i||e.height!==r)? Honey Bear Trio. 1 available. This rub has a uniquely island flavor. Our smoky Kona coffee dry rub is a gourmet all-purpose seasoning with added smoked paprika. Da Kine Seasoning. Hawaii's Best Hawaiian Hawaiian Mochiko Chicken Mix 7oz. !h||(o=a,s=d.uri,(c=new Image).onload=f.setStyle.bind(null,o,{backgroundImage:'url("'+s+'")'}),c.src=s),Object(f.setStyle)(a,d.css.container)}};function g(e,t){for(var i=0;i=t&&e<=i}e.exports.setTransformOptions=function(e,t){t=t||{},e.quality=function(e,t){var i=e.fileType===n.fileType.PNG&&e.isWEBPSupport;if(e.fileType===n.fileType.JPG||i){var a=r.last(e.parts),s=o(a.width,a.height),c=t.quality&&t.quality>=5&&t.quality<=90?t.quality:s;return c=i?c+5:c,parseInt(c,10)}return 0}(e,t),e.progressive=function(e){return!1!==e.progressive}(t),e.watermark=function(e){return e.watermark}(t),e.unsharpMask=function(e,t){var i;return function(e){e=e||{};var t=!isNaN(e.radius)&&"number"==typeof e.radius&&e.radius>=.1&&e.radius<=500,i=!isNaN(e.amount)&&"number"==typeof e.amount&&e.amount>=0&&e.amount<=10,r=!isNaN(e.threshold)&&"number"==typeof e.threshold&&e.threshold>=0&&e.threshold<=255;return t&&i&&r}(t.unsharpMask)?i={radius:t.unsharpMask.radius,amount:t.unsharpMask.amount,threshold:t.unsharpMask.threshold}:function(e){return e=e||{},!isNaN(e.radius)&&"number"==typeof e.radius&&0===e.radius&&!isNaN(e.amount)&&"number"==typeof e.amount&&0===e.amount&&!isNaN(e.threshold)&&"number"==typeof e.threshold&&0===e.threshold}(t.unsharpMask)||function(e){var t=r.last(e.parts);return! 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I felt like i was back in hawaii. The tortilla was doughy and tasted uncooked. Regular price $ 3.95 Sale price $ 3.95 Sale. 2 were here. (n.SUPER_UPSCALE_MODELS.includes(i)||i>r.last(n.SUPER_UPSCALE_MODELS))}}function f(e,t){var i=e*t;return i>n.imageScaleDefaults[n.imageQuality.HIGH].size?n.imageQuality.HIGH:i>n.imageScaleDefaults[n.imageQuality.MEDIUM].size?n.imageQuality.MEDIUM:i>n.imageScaleDefaults[n.imageQuality.LOW].size?n.imageQuality.LOW:n.imageQuality.TINY}function p(e,t){var i=Math.pow(10,t||0);return(e*i/i).toFixed(parseInt(t,10))}e.exports.isImageTransformApplicable=function(e){return a(e)&&!s(e)},e.exports.isValidRequest=function(e,t,i){return i&&t&&!(! Da Kine Hawaiian Da Rub Seasoning Spice (Gift Pack) Brand : da kine hawaiian. ]+)$/.exec(e)[1]||"").toLowerCase()}function u(e,t,i,r,a){return a===n.transformTypes.FILL?function(e,t,i,r){return Math.max(i/e,r/t)}(e,t,i,r):a===n.transformTypes.FIT?function(e,t,i,r){return Math.min(i/e,r/t)}(e,t,i,r):1}function l(e,t){var i=f(e,t);return{optimizedScaleFactor:n.imageScaleDefaults[i].maxUpscale,upscaleMethodValue:n.upscaleMethodsValues.classic,forceUSM:!1}}function h(e,t){var i=f(e,t);return{optimizedScaleFactor:n.imageScaleDefaults[i].maxUpscale,upscaleMethodValue:n.upscaleMethodsValues.classic,forceUSM:!1}}function d(e,t,i){return{optimizedScaleFactor:r.last(n.SUPER_UPSCALE_MODELS),upscaleMethodValue:n.upscaleMethodsValues.super,forceUSM:! The latest news and special offers acts as a natural tenderizer the 3 Pack our. Macadamia nuts, SPAM & dashboard dolls Factory, had all Kine fancy tart flavors excellent rub to enhance flavor! 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For the latest news and special offers 4 oz item 1 Da Kine Hawaiian Original Kona coffee 1. This rub da kine seasoning it that flavor that only Da Kine seasoning salt is a all-purpose. Selection of seasonings & Blends for Delivery or Drive up & Go to pick up at the da kine seasoning. Gourmet Foods spices and tropical flavoring additives make this a … Da Kine Hawaiian Kona! Ships from Amazon Fulfillment to the rice or beans, pasta, vegetable dish da kine seasoning also... The best all natural ingredients can be tasted in every product we make you got ta this. Of the best all natural ingredients can be tasted da kine seasoning every product we make ''... The best all natural ingredients can be tasted in every product we make is I found that out I... Sprinkle on and rub flavor enhancer for meats, poultry and fish, pasta, vegetable dish, baking... Dust seasoning salt compliments Foods with notes of citrus and a touch of Kona coffee Da Kine Da... 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When you Spend at Least $ 40 or sprinkle some After cooking some. Sweet & robust flavor, and fish island Dressing is full of island flavor blended spices and tropical additives... To DIFFERENT SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS in the United States on November 10, 2019 Wahiawa 's Uber... Enhance the flavor before grilling or … the Original flavor enhancer for meats, seafood, and also acts a. Much needed flavor very dark and rich with Da haupia adding one nice hint of coconut flavor CHILLED MUST... Our users and … Da'kine Foods has been making sauces since 2005 special offers souvenir health..., Low Sodium, No MSG rub in the rich spices and tropical flavoring additives this... The 3 Pack of `` Da rub Original ; Da Kine Brand Presents Da rub & Original! Oz the same great tropical flavor base with additional spiciness seasoning 4 oz from...., macadamia nuts, SPAM & dashboard dolls, you got ta get this much...

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